Year A Year B Year C
First Sunday of Advent    
Isa 2:1–5
Ps 122
(UMH 845)
Rom 13:11–14 
Mt 24:36–44
No One Knows When the Lord May Come
The Mountain of the House of God
Isa 64:1–9
Ps 80:1–7, 17–19
(UMH 801)
1 Cor 1:3–9 
Mk 13:24–37
Out of the Darkness We Call on You, Lord!
Jer 33:14–16
Ps 25:1–10 
(UMH 756)
1 Thess 3:9–13
Lk 21:25–36
What Are the Signs in the Sun and Moon?
Second Sunday of Advent    
Isa 11:1–10
Ps 72:1–7, 18–19
(UMH 795)
Rom 15:4–13
Mt 3:1–12
O Fountain of Our Advent Hope
Isa 40:1–11 
Ps 85:1–2, 8–131
(UMH 806)
2 Pet 3:8–15a
Mk 1:1–8
Make Straight the Desert Path for God!
Mal 3:1–4
Lk 1:68–7
(UMH 208)
Phil 1:3–11
Lk 3:1–6

Repent and Receive God's Forgiveness!

Third Sunday of Advent    
Isa 35:1–10
Lk 1:47–55 (UMH 199) 
Jas 5:7–10 
Mt 11:2–11 
Go Tell John What You Hear and See  
Isa 61:1–4, 8–11
Ps 126 (UMH 847) 
1 Thess 5:16–24
Jn 1:6–8, 19–28
John the Baptist
Zeph 3:14–20
Isa 12:2–6
Phil 4:4–7
Lk 3:7–18
Blessings Come from God 
Fourth Sunday of Advent    
Isa 7:10–16 
Ps 80:1–7, 17–19
(UMH 801) 
Rom 1:1–7  
Mt 1:18–25 
Advent Candles In Our Worship

Next Week's the Sunday
2 Sam 7:1–11, 16
Lk 1:47–55
(UMH 199) 
Rom 16:25–27
Lk 1:26–38
Advent Candles In Our Worship
Mic 5:2–5a
Lk 1:47–55
(UMH 199)
Heb 10:5–10
Lk 1:39–45
Advent Candles In Our Worship
Christmas Eve (A, B, and C)    

Isa 9:2–7 

Ps 96 (UMH 815) 

Titus 2:11 –14 

Lk 2:1–20

O Sing to God a New Song 

Only Shepherds
Come See the Child

Christmas Day (A, B, and C)    

Isa 52:7–10 

Ps 98 (UMH 818) 

Heb 1:1–4 (5–12) 

Jn 1:1–14

Praise to the Living Word of God


First Sunday After Christmas Day

Isa 63:7–9 
Ps 148 (UMH 861)
Heb 2:10–18
Mt 2:13–23
Angel Voices in a Dream
Isa 61:10–62:3
Ps 148 (UMH 861)
Gal 4:4–7
Lk 2:22–40
The Family Went to Worship God
1 Sam 2:18–20, 26
Ps 148 (UMH 861)
Col 3:12–17
Lk 2:41–52
Who Is This Boy
January 1—New Year (A, B, and C)    
Eccl 3:1–13
Ps 8 (UMH 743) 
Rev 21:1–6a
Mt 25:31–46
Lo, When the King of Glory Comes

Epiphany of the Lord (January 6 or first Sunday of January; A, B, and C)
Isa 60:1–6
Ps 72:1–7, 10–14 (UMH 795) 
Eph 3:1–12 
Mt 2:1–12
Behold, Lift Your Eyes, Sing Your Praise
We Three Kings (for Trumpet and Piano)
Baptism of the Lord (First Sunday After the Epiphany; Sunday between January 7 and 13 inclusive)
Isa 42:1–9
Ps 29 (UMH 761)
Acts 10:34 –43
Mt 3:13–17
Sing a New Song
Behold, Lift Your Eyes, Sing Your Praise
Gen 1:1–5
Ps 29 (UMH 761)
Acts 19:1 –7
Mk 1:4–11
From East and West, From North and South
Isa 43:1–7
Ps 29 (UMH 761)
Acts 8:14 –17
Lk 3:15–17, 21–22
Behold the Lamb of God
Second Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between January 14 and 20 inclusive)
Isa 49:1–7 
Ps 40:1–11 (UMH 774)
1 Cor 1:1–9
Jn 1:29–42
Behold the Lamb of God
1 Sam 3:1–10 (11–20)
Ps 139:1–6, 13–18 (UMH 854)
1 Cor 6:12–20
Jn 1:43–51
In the Darkness of the Temple
Isa 62:1–5
Ps 36:5–10 (UMH 771)

1 Cor 12:1–11

Jn 2:1–11

The Waning of the Wedding Wine

Third Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between January 21 and 27 inclusive)
Isa 9:1–4
Ps 27:1, 4–9 (UMH 758)  
1 Cor 1:10–18
Mt 4:12–23
To Those in Darkness' Gloom
Jonah 3:1–5, 10
Ps 62:5–12 (UMH 787)
1 Cor 7:29–31
Mk 1:14–20
So, the Time Is Now Complete
When Jonah Heard the Call of God
Neh 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10
Ps 19 (UMH 750)
1 Cor 12:12–31a
Lk 4:14–21
The Spirit of the Lord Came Down
Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between January 28 and February 3 inclusive; if it is the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, see Transfiguration.)
Mic 6:1–8
Ps 15 (UMH 747)
1 Cor 1:18–31
Mt 5:1–12
Blessings Come from God
Deut 18:15–20
Ps 111 (UMH 832)
1 Cor 8:1–13
Mk 1:21–28
Our Lord Sent Forth a Prophet
Jer 1:4–10
Ps 71:1–6 (UMH 794)
1 Cor 13:1–13
Lk 4:21–30
The Spirit of the Lord Came Down
Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between February 4 and 10 inclusive; if it is the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, see Transfiguration.)
Isa 58:1–9a (9b –12)
Ps 112:1–10 (UMH 833)
1 Cor 2:1–12 (13–16)
Mt 5:13–20
How Shall We Love
Isa 40:21–31
Ps 147:1–11, 20c (UMH 859) 
1 Cor 9:16–23
Mk 1:29–39
Have You Not Known This
Isa 6:1–8 (9–13)
Ps 138 (UMH 853)
1 Cor 15:1–11
Lk 5:1–11
Who Are We
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between February 11 and 17 inclusive; if it is the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, see Transfiguration.)
Deut 30:15–20
Ps 119:1–8 (UMH 840) 
1 Cor 3:1–9
Mt 5:21–37
Lord, Give Us Meaning In All That We Do
The Place Of God's Abode
2 Kings 5:1 –14 
Ps 30 (UMH 762)
1 Cor 9:24–27
Mk 1:40–45
He Went to Him Begging
Go Wash in the Waters
Jer 17:5–10
Ps 1 (UMH 738)
1 Cor 15:12–20
Lk 6:17–26
Why We Can't Wait
Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between February 18 and 24 inclusive; if it is the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, see Transfiguration.)
Lev 19:1–2, 9–18
Ps 119:33–40 (UMH 840) 
1 Cor 3:10–11, 16–23
Mt 5:38–48
The Peace of God Is Given to Us All
We're Building a House
Isa 43:18–25
Ps 41  (UMH 776)
2 Cor 1:18–22 
Mk 2:1–12
From His Home in Galilee
Gen 45:3–11, 15
Ps 37:1–11, 39–40 (UMH 772)
1 Cor 15:35–38, 42–50 
Lk 6:27–38
Words of Sickness, Words of Death
Eighth Sunday After the Epiphany (Sunday between February 25 and 29 inclusive; if it is the Last Sunday After the Epiphany, see Transfiguration.)
Isa 49:8–16a 
Ps 131 or Ps 62:5–12 (UMH 787)
1 Cor 4:1–5 
Mt 6:24–34
God is Our Ruler
Hos 2:14–20
Ps 103:1–13, 22  (UMH 824)
2 Cor 3:1–6 
Mk 2:13–22 
God's Word Is Written On Our Hearts
Isa 55:10–13
Ps 92:1–4, 12–15  (UMH 811)
1 Cor 15:51–58
Lk 6:39–49
Transfiguration Sunday (Last Sunday After the Epiphany) Readings for Transfiguration are used on the Sunday prior to Ash Wednesday.
Ex 24:12–18
Ps 99 (UMH 819)
2 Pet 1:16–21 
Mt 17:1–9
Just As God Called Moses 
I Go Up to the Mountaintop

Come Up to Me, Moses
2 Kings 2:1 –12 
Ps 50:1–6 (UMH 783) 
2 Cor 4:3–6 
Mk 9:2–9
Just As God Called Moses 
I Go Up to the Mountaintop
Ex 34:29–35
Ps 99 (UMH 819)
2 Cor 3:12–4:2
Lk 9:28–36 (37–43)
Just As God Called Moses 
I Go Up to the Mountaintop

O Come, Divine Salvation!
Ash Wednesday (A, B, and C)

Joel 2:1 –2, 12–17 

Ps 51:1–17 (UMH 785) 

2 Cor 5:20b –6:10 

Mt 6:1–6, 16–21 

Yet Even Now Return
Walk At Our Side Through These Forty Days

First Sunday in Lent
Gen 2:15–17; 3:1–7
Ps 32 (UMH 766) 
Rom 5:12–19   
Mt 4:1–11  
Walk At Our Side Through These Forty Days 
I Am Tempted, O Jesus
Gen 9:8–17     
Ps 25:1–10 (UMH 756)
1 Pet 3:18–22
Mk 1:9–15 
As Long as the Earth Endures  

Walk At Our Side Through These Forty Days
Do Not Tell Us You Must Suffer
I Am Tempted, O Jesus
Deut 26:1–11
Ps 91:1–2, 9–16 (UMH 810) 
Rom 10:8b –13
Lk 4:1–13
Walk At Our Side Through These Forty Days
I Am Tempted, O Jesus
Second Sunday in Lent
Gen 12:1–4a
Ps 121 (UMH 844) 
Rom 4:1–5, 13–17  
Jn 3:1–17 
O, Give Us Faith Like Abraham's
Gen 17:1–7, 15–16 
Ps 22:23–31 (UMH 752) 
Rom 4:13–25 
Mk 8:31–38 
O, Give Us Faith Like Abraham's
God Came from Heaven to Earth
Gen 15:1–12, 17–18 
Ps 27 (UMH 758) 
Phil 3:17–4:1
Lk 13:31–35
O, Give Us Faith Like Abraham's

Third Sunday in Lent

Ex 17:1–7
Ps 95 (UMH 814)
Rom 5:1–11
Jn 4:5–42
Let Us All Drink from the Water of Life
The Peace of God Has Come
God Saved the World
Ex 20:1–17
Ps 19 (UMH 750)
1 Cor 1:18–25
Jn 2:13–22
The Lord Came into Jerusalem
Isa 55:1–9
Ps 63:1–8 (UMH 788)
1 Cor 10:1–13
Lk 13:1–9
Enraptured By a Bush of Flame
Fourth Sunday in Lent
1 Sam 16:1–13   
Ps 23 (UMH 754 or 137) 
Eph 5:8–14  
Jn 9:1–41
When the Shadows Spread Their Gloom
Sleeper, Awake!
Num 21:4–9   
Ps 107:1–3, 17–22 (UMH 830)
Eph 2:1–10
Jn 3:14–21
God Loved Us So  
Josh 5:9–12 
Ps 32 (UMH 766)
2 Cor 5:16–21
Lk 15:1–3, 11b –32
A Loving Father Had Two Boys 

Fifth Sunday in Lent
Ezek 37:1–14  
Ps 130 (UMH 848)
Rom 8:6–11
Jn 11:1–45
See This Valley of Old Dry Bones
There's a Fresh Wind Blowing in this Place
Jer 31:31–34
Ps 51:1–12 (UMH 785)  
Heb 5:5–10
Jn 12:20–33   
In the Days of Prophets 
 Isa 43:16–21
Ps 126 (UMH 847)
Phil 3:4b –14
Jn 12:1–8 
As We Serve Our Holy Savior
Passion/Palm Sunday (Sixth Sunday in Lent) Liturgy of the Palms
Mt 21:1–11
Ps 118:1–2, 19–29 (UMH 839)  
When He Came Into the City  
See Him Riding on a Donkey
Here He Comes into Our City    
Mk 11:1–11
Ps 118:1–2, 19–29  (UMH 839) 
When He Came Into the City  
See Him Riding on a Donkey
Here He Comes into Our City  
Lk 19:28–40 
Ps 118:1–2, 19–29 (UMH 839) 
When He Came Into the City  
See Him Riding on a Donkey
Here He Comes into Our City 

Liturgy of the Passion
Isa 50:4–9a
Ps 31:9–16 (UMH 764)
Phil 2:5–11 
Mt 26:14–27:66 or Mt 27:11–54
St. Peter Drew a Sword for Him
Isa 50:4–9a
Ps 31:9–16 (UMH 764)
Phil 2:5–11
Mk 14:1–15:47 or Mk 15:1–39 (40–47)
St. Peter Drew a Sword for Him
Isa 50:4–9a
Ps 31:9–16 (UMH 764)
Phil 2:5–11
Lk 22:14–23:56 or Lk 23:1–49
Supremely Reigns God's Majesty
Monday of Holy Week (A, B, and C)

Isa 42:1–9 

Ps 36:5–11 (UMH 771) 

Heb 9:11–15 

Jn 12:1–11

As We Serve Our Holy Savior


Tuesday of Holy Week (A, B, and C)

Isa 49:1–7 

Ps 71:1–14 (UMH 794) 

1 Cor 1:18–31 

Jn 12:20–36 

Wednesday of Holy Week (A, B, and C)

Isa 50:4–9a 

Ps 70 (UMH 793) 

Heb 12:1–3 

Jn 13:21–32 

Holy Thursday (A, B, and C)

Ex 12:1–4 (5–10) 11–14 

Ps 116:1–4, 12–19 (UMH 837) 

1 Cor 11:23–26 

Jn 13:1–17, 31b –35 

Good Friday (A, B, and C)

Isa 52:13–53:12 

Ps 22 (UMH 752) 

Heb 10:16–25 

Jn 18:1–19:42 

St. Peter Drew a Sword for Him

Easter Vigil

The number of readings may vary, but Exodus 14 and at least two other readings from the Old Testament should be used in addition to the New Testament readings.

Old Testament Readings and Psalms (A, B, and C)

Gen 1:1–2:4a

Isa 55:1–11

Ps 136:1–9, 23–26 or Ps 33 (UMH 767)

Isa 12:2–6 

Gen 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13       Ezek 36:24–28 

Ps 46 (UMH 780)                                     Ps 42 (UMH 777) 

Gen 22:1–18                                            Ezek 37:1–14 

Ps 16 (UMH 748)                                    Ps 143 (UMH 856) 

Ex 14:10–31; 15:20–21 

Ex 15:1b –13, 17–18 (UMH 135)

Powers of Heaven Now Rejoice (Exultet) 

Second Reading and Psalm (A, B, and C)

Rom 6:3–11 

Ps 114 (UMH 835) 

Gospel Reading

Mt 28:1–10 

Mk 16:1–8

Lk 24:1–12
Lo, the Stone Is Rolled Away 
Easter Day
Acts 10:34 –43
Ps 118:1–2, 14–24 (UMH 839)
Col 3:1–4
Jn 20:1–18
  or Mt 28:1–10
Acts 10:34 –43
Ps 118:1–2, 14–24 (UMH 839)
1 Cor 15:1–11
Jn 20:1–18
  or Mk 16:1–8
Acts 10:34 –43
Ps 118:1–2, 14–24 (UMH 839)
1 Cor 15:19–26
Jn 20:1–18 
  or Lk 24:1–12
Lo, the Stone Is Rolled Away 
Second Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:14 a, 22–32
Ps 16 (UMH 748) 
1 Pet 1:3–9
Jn 20:19–31
To the One Who Leads Us
Disciples Sitting In a Room
Acts 4:32 –35 
Ps 133 (UMH 850)
1 Jn 1:1–2:2 
Jn 20:19–31 
To the One Who Leads Us
Disciples Sitting In a Room
Acts 5:27 –32
Ps 150 (UMH 862)
Rev 1:4–8 
Jn 20:19–31
To the One Who Leads Us
Disciples Sitting In a Room
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:14 a, 36–41 
Ps 116:1–4, 12–19 (UMH 837) 
1 Pet 1:17–23
Lk 24:13–35 
O Living Christ, Come Walk with Us

Acts 3:12 –19
 Ps 4 (UMH 741)
1 Jn 3:1–7 
Lk 24:36b –48 
Disciples Sitting In a Room
Acts 9:1 –6 (7–20)
Ps 30   (UMH 762) 
Rev 5:11–14
Jn 21:1–19 
Praise God in Zion Unceasing!

Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:42 –47 
Ps 23 (UMH 754 or 137)  
1 Pet 2:19–25
Jn 10:1–10
"Truly," Jesus Said, "Truly!"

Christ, the Shepherd of the Sheep
Acts 4:5 –12
Ps 23 (UMH 754 or 137)  
1 Jn 3:16–24

Jn 10:11–18
"Truly," Jesus Said, "Truly!"
Acts 9:36 –43
Ps 23 (UMH 754 or 137)  
Rev 7:9–17

Jn 10:22–30 
Come Jesus Tell Us Who You Are 
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 7:55 –60 
Ps 31:1–5, 15–16 (UMH 764) 
1 Pet 2:2–10
Jn 14:1–14 
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled, Now
Acts 8:26 –40
Ps 22:25–31 (UMH 752)
1 Jn 4:7–21 
Jn 15:1–8
Christ is the Vine
 Acts 11:1 –18
Ps 148 (UMH 861) 
Rev 21:1–6 
Jn 13:31–35
The Love of God is Glorified 
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 17:22 –31 
Ps 66:8–20 (UMH 790) 
1 Pet 3:13–22 
Jn 14:15–21 
Christ Said, If You Truly Love Me   
Christ Said, If You Truly Love Me (an instrumental arrangement)
Acts 10:44 –48
Ps 98:1(UMH 818)
1 Jn 5:1–6 
Jn 15:9–17 
Christ the Lord Does Love Us
Acts 16:9 –15 
Ps 67 (UMH 791) 
Rev 21:10, 22–22:5 
Jn 14:23–29
Praise to the Holy Spirit
Ascension of the Lord (A, B, and C) These readings may also be used on the Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Acts 1:1 –11 

Ps 47 (UMH 781) 

Eph 1:15–23 

Lk 24:44–53

See The Lord To Heav'n Ascending
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:6 –14 
Ps 68:1–10, 32–35 (UMH 792)
1 Pet 4:12–14; 5:6–11 
Jn 17:1–11
Acts 1:15 –17, 21–26
Ps 1 (UMH 738)
1 Jn 5:9–13  
Jn 17:6–19
Acts 16:16 –34
Ps 97 (UMH 816)
Rev 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21
Jn 17:20–26 
Behold the Wonder of Our God
Praise God, Who Even at Our Darkest Hour

Make Straight the Desert Path for God!
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:1 –21
Ps 104:24–34, 35b (UMH 826) 
1 Cor 12:3b –13
Jn 7:37–39
Holy Spirit Come Upon Us 
Come Fill Us Holy Spirit

There's a Fresh Wind Blowing in this Place
 Acts 2:1 –21
Ps 104:24–34, 35b (UMH 826)
Rom 8:22–27
Jn 15:26–27; 16:4b –15
Holy Spirit Come Upon Us 
Come Fill Us Holy Spirit
There's a Fresh Wind Blowing in this Place
Acts 2:1 –21
Ps 104:24–34, 35b (UMH 826)
Rom 8:14–17
Jn 14:8–17 (25–27)
Holy Spirit Come Upon Us 
Come Fill Us Holy Spirit
There's a Fresh Wind Blowing in this Place
Trinity Sunday (First Sunday After Pentecost)
Gen 1:1–2:4a
Ps 8 (UMH 743)
2 Cor 13:11–13
Mt 28:16–20 
Isa 6:1–8
Ps 29 (UMH 761)  
Rom 8:12–17 
Jn 3:1–17 
Who Are We

Prov 8:1–4, 22–31
Ps 8 (UMH 743) 
Rom 5:1–5 
Jn 16:12–15 
Before the Mountains Had Been Shaped
Sunday between May 29 and June 4 inclusive (if after Trinity Sunday)
Gen 6:11–22; 7:24; 8:14–19
Ps 46 (UMH 780)
Rom 1:16–17; 3:22b –28 (29–31) 
Mt 7:21–29
1 Sam 3:1–20
Ps 139:1–6, 13–18  (UMH 854)
2 Cor 4:5–12
Mk 2:23–3:6
1 Kings 18:20 –39 
Ps 96  (UMH 815) 
Gal 1:1–12
Lk 7:1–10
O Sing to God a New Song
Sing a New Song 
Sunday between June 5 and 11 inclusive (if after Trinity Sunday)
Gen 12:1–9
Ps 33:1–12 (UMH 767)
Rom 4:13–25
Mt 9:9–13, 18–26
1 Sam 8:4–20 (11:14–15)
Ps 138 (UMH 853)
2 Cor 4:13–5:1
Mk 3:20–35 
1 Kings 17:8 –24
Ps 146 (UMH 858) 
Gal 1:11–24
Lk 7:11–17 
You Give Us Life, Creative Word

Go Wash in the Waters
Sunday between June 12 and 18 inclusive (if after Trinity Sunday)
Gen 18:1–15
Ps 116:1–2, 12–19 (UMH 837)
Rom 5:1–8
Mt 9:35–10:8 (9–23)
God Saved the World
1 Sam 15:34–16:13 
Ps 20 or Ps 72  (UMH 795)
2 Cor 5:6–10 (11–13), 14–17 
Mk 4:26–34
1 Kings 21:1 –21a
Ps 5:1–8 (UMH 742)
Gal 2:15–21
Lk 7:36–8:3
The One Whose Name Is Love
Sunday between June 19 and 25 inclusive (if after Trinity Sunday)
Gen 21:8–21
Ps 86:1–10, 16–17 or Ps 17 (UMH 749)
Rom 6:1b –11
Mt 10:24–39
God Who Watches All the Sparrows
1 Sam 17:(1a, 4–11, 19–23) 32–49
Ps 9:9–20  (UMH 744) 
2 Cor 6:1–13 
Mk 4:35–41
1 Kings 19:1 –15a
Ps 42 (UMH 777) 
Gal 3:23–29
Lk 8:26–39 
O, Give Us Faith Like Abraham's
Who Is This That We Have Pierced
Sunday between June 26 and July 2 inclusive
Gen 22:1–14  
Ps 13 (UMH 746) 
Rom 6:12–23
Mt 10:40–42
God's Steadfast Love Breaks Through    
2 Sam 1:1, 17–27
Ps 130  (UMH 848) 
2 Cor 8:7–15
Mk 5:21–43
2 Kings 2:1 –2, 6–14 
Ps 77:1–2, 11–20 (UMH 798) 
Gal 5:1, 13–25
Lk 9:51–62 
In What Ways Shall We Answer God?
Sunday between July 3 and 9 inclusive
Gen 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67
Ps 45:10–17 or Ps 72 (UMH 795)  
Rom 7:15–25a     
Mt 11:16–19, 25–30
2 Sam 5:1–5, 9–10
Ps 48 (UMH 782) 
2 Cor 12:2–10 
Mk 6:1–13
2 Kings 5:1 –14
Ps 30 (UMH 762)
Gal 6:(1–6) 7–16
 Lk 10:1–11, 16–20
The Sovereign Has a Mission 
Go Wash in the Waters
Sunday between July 10 and 16 inclusive
Gen 25:19–34 
Ps 119:105–112 or Ps 25 (UMH 756) 
Rom 8:1–11     
Mt 13:1–9, 18–23  
2 Sam 6:1–5, 12b –19
Ps 24   (UMH 755)  
Eph 1:3–14 
Mk 6:14–29  
Amos 7:7 –17
Ps 82 (UMH 804)
Col 1:1–14 
Lk 10:25–37
Sunday between July 17 and 23 inclusive
Gen 28:10–19a   
Ps 139:1–12, 23–24 (UMH 854)    
Rom 8:12–25
Mt 13:24–30, 36–43
The Lord Has Filled the Universe with Good
2 Sam 7:1–14a
Ps 89:20–37 (UMH 807)
Eph 2:11–22
Mk 6:30–34, 53–56
We've Come here Looking For Jesus
Amos 8:1 –12
Ps 52 or Ps 82 (UMH 804) 
Col 1:15–28 
Lk 10:38–42
Sunday between July 24 and 30 inclusive
Gen 29:15–28
Ps 105:1–11, 45b (UMH 828) 
Rom 8:26–39   
Mt 13:31–33, 44–52
What New Teachings Has God Given
2 Sam 11:1–15 
Ps 14  (UMH 746)
Eph 3:14–21  
Jn 6:1–21 
Hos 1:2–10
Ps 85 (UMH 806)
Col 2:6–15 (16–19) 
Lk 11:1–13
Blessed Jesus Taught Us How to Pray
Sunday between July 31 and August 6 inclusive
Gen 32:22–31
Ps 17:1–7, 15 (UMH 749)
Rom 9:1–5
Mt 14:13–21
When Our Need Is Great  
2 Sam 11:26–12:13a
Ps 51:1–12 (UMH 785) 
Eph 4:1–16
Jn 6:24–35
Hos 11:1–11 
Ps 107:1–9, 43 (UMH 830)
Col 3:1–11
Lk 12:13–21
Good Stewards We Are Called to Be
Sunday between August 7 and 13 inclusive
Gen 37:1–4, 12–28
Ps 105:1–6, 16–22, 45b (UMH 828) 
Rom 10:5–15 
Mt 14:22–33 
He Said, "Get Into The Boat"
2 Sam 18:5–9, 15, 31–33
Ps 130 (UMH 848) 
Eph 4:25–5:2 
Jn 6:35, 41–51
Isa 1:1, 10–20
Ps 50:1–8, 22–23 (UMH 783) 
Heb 11:1–3, 8–16 
Lk 12:32–40
Sunday between August 14 and 20 inclusive
Gen 45:1–15  
Ps 133 (UMH 850) 
Rom 11:1–2a, 29–32
Mt 15:(10–20) 21–28
From All the Earth 
1 Kings 2:10 –12; 3:3–14
Ps 111 (UMH 832)
Eph 5:15–20
Jn 6:51–58 
Isa 5:1–7
Ps 80:1–2, 8–19 (UMH 801)
Heb 11:29–12:2
Lk 12:49–56
Sunday between August 21 and 27 inclusive
Ex 1:8–2:10
Ps 124 (UMH 846)
Rom 12:1–8
Mt 16:13–20
Who Is This That We Have Pierced
1 Kings 8 :[1, 6, 10–11] 22–30, 41–43
Ps 84 (UMH 804) 
Eph 6:10–20
Jn 6:56–69
Jer 1:4–10 
Ps 71:1–6 (UMH 794)
Heb 12:18–29
Lk 13:10–17
Sunday between August 28 and September 3 inclusive
Ex 3:1–15
Ps 105:1–6, 23–26, 45c (UMH 828)  
Rom 12:9–21
Mt 16:21–28 
Do Not Tell Us You Must Suffer
Enraptured By a Bush of Flame
Song 2:8 –13
Ps 45:1–2, 6–9 or Ps 72 (UMH 795)
Jas 1:17–27     
Mk 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 
Jer 2:4–13
Ps 81:1, 10–16 (UMH 803) 
Heb 13:1–8, 15–16
Lk 14:1, 7–14 
In the Lord's Service

Sunday between September 4 and 10 inclusive
Ex 12:1–14
Ps 149:1 or Ps 148 (UMH 861)
Rom 13:8–14
Mt 18:15–20 
Love Fulfills the Law of God
Prov 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23
 Ps 125 or Ps 124 (UMH 846)
Jas 2:1–10 [11–13], 14–17 
Mk 7:24–37 
Jer 18:1–11
Ps 139:1–6, 13–18  (UMH 854) 
Philem 1:1–21 
Lk 14:25–33
Herein We Dwell
Sunday between September 11 and 17 inclusive
Ex 14:19–31
Ex 15:1b –11, 20–21 (UMH 135) 
Rom 14:1–12 
Mt 18:21–35 
Prov 1:20–33
Ps 19  (UMH 750) 
Jas 3:1–12 
Mk 8:27–38 
Who Is This That We Have Pierced
Jer 4:11–12, 22–28 
Ps 14   (UMH 746) 
1 Tim 1:12–17
Lk 15:1–10
Rejoice with Me for I Have Found
Sunday between September 18 and 24 inclusive
Ex 16:2–15
Ps 105:1–6, 37–45 or Ps 78 (UMH 799) 
Phil 1:21–30
Mt 20:1–16 
Prov 31:10–31
Ps 1 (UMH 738) 
Jas 3:13–4:3, 7–8a 
Mk 9:30–37
Where Is the Place of Wisdom?
Jer 8:18–9:1
 Ps 79:1–9 or Ps 4  (UMH 741) 
1 Tim 2:1–7
Lk 16:1–13
Sunday between September 25 and October 1 inclusive
Ex 17:1–7
Ps 78:1–4, 12–16 (UMH 799) 
Phil 2:1–13
Mt 21:23–32
Esth 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22
Ps 124 (UMH 846)
Jas 5:13–20
Mk 9:38–50
The Lord Has Called Us All to Faith
Jer 32:1–3a, 6–15
Ps 91:1–6, 14–16 (UMH 810)
1 Tim 6:6–19
Lk 16:19–31
From God Has Great Abundance Come
This Planet Is God's
Sunday between October 2 and 8 inclusive
Ex 20:1–4, 7–9, 12–20
Ps 19 (UMH 750) 
Phil 3:4b –14 
Mt 21:33–46
A Beautiful Vineyard
Job 1:1 ; 2:1–10
Ps 26 or Ps 25  (UMH 756) 
Heb 1:1–4; 2:5–12
Mk 10:2–16
Lam 1:1–6
Ps 137  (UMH 852) 
2 Tim 1:1–14
Lk 17:5–10
Sunday between October 9 and 15 inclusive
Ex 32:1–14
Ps 106:1–6, 19–23 (UMH 829) 
Phil 4:1–9
Mt 22:1–14  
Let Us Praise God's Wondrous Name
Job 23:1 –9, 16–17
Ps 22:1–15  (UMH 752)
Heb 4:12–16
Mk 10:17–31
Jer 29:1, 4–7
Ps 66:1–12 (UMH 790)
2 Tim 2:8–15
Lk 17:11–19
Apostles Say, "Increase Our Faith"
God Calls the World to Follow
Sunday between October 16 and 22 inclusive

Ex 32:1–14

Ps 99 (UMH 819)
1 Thess 1:1–10 
Mt 22:15–22
Job 38:1 –7 (34–41)
Ps 104:1–9, 24, 35c (UMH 826) 
Heb 5:1–10
Mk 10:35–45
Jer 31:27–34
Ps 119:97–104 or Ps 19 (UMH 750) 
2 Tim 3:14–4:5
Lk 18:1–8
O Righteous Judge
When Our Need Is Great
Sunday between October 23 and 29 inclusive
Deut 34:1–12
Ps 90:1–6, 13–17 (UMH 789)
1 Thess 2:1–8 
Mt 22:34–46
Job 42:1 –6, 10–17 
Ps 34:1–8 (19–22) (UMH 769)   
Heb 7:23–28
Mk 10:46–52
Joel 2:23 –32 
Ps 65 (UMH 789) 
2 Tim 4:6–8, 16–18 
Lk 18:9–14 
How Shall We Pray in the House of God?
Sunday between October 30 and November 5 inclusive
Josh 3:7–17
Ps 107:1–7, 33–37 (UMH 830)
1 Thess 2:9–13 
Mt 23:1–12
Ruth 1:1 –18
Ps 146 (UMH 858)
Heb 9:11–14
Mk 12:28–34 
From Moab Came An Immigrant
Hab 1:1–4; 2:1–4
Ps 119:137–144 (UMH 840) 
2 Thess 1:1–4, 11–12 
Lk 19:1–10
Come, O God of Strength and Glory 
O Come, Divine Salvation
All Saints (November 1 or may be used on first Sunday in November)
Rev 7:9–17
Ps 34:1–10, 22 (UMH 769)
1 Jn 3:1–3 
Mt 5:1–12 
Isa 25:6–9
Ps 24   (UMH 755)
Rev 21:1–6a 
Jn 11:32–44 
Dan 7:1–3, 15–18
Ps 149 or Ps 150  (UMH 862)
Eph 1:11–23
Lk 6:20–31
Sunday between November 6 and 12 inclusive
Josh 24:1–3a, 14–25 
Ps 78:1–7 (UMH 799) 
1 Thess 4:13–18
Mt 25:1–13
Ruth 3:1 –5; 4:13–17 
Ps 127 or Ps 42    (UMH 777)    
Heb 9:24–28
Mk 12:38–44
Unless The Lord Builds the House
Hag 1:15b –2:9 
Ps 145:1–5, 17–21 (UMH 857) 
2 Thess 2:1–5, 13–17
Lk 20:27–38 
We Have a Great Redeemer
Sunday between November 13 and 19 inclusive
Judg 4:1–7
Ps 123 or Ps 76 (UMH 797) 
1 Thess 5:1–11
Mt 25:14–30
1 Sam 1:4–20
1 Sam 2:1–10 or Ps 113 (UMH 834) 
Heb 10:11–14 (15–18) 19–25
Mk 13:1–8
In the Days of Prophets Many Years Ago
Isa 65:17–25
Isa 12 or Ps 118 (UMH 839) 
2 Thess 3:6–13
Lk 21:5–19
Behold! The Day of Judgment Comes
Christ the King/Reign of Christ (Sunday between November 20 and 26 inclusive)
Ezek 34:11–16, 20–24
Ps 100 (UMH 821)
Eph 1:15–23
Mt 25:31–46
Lo, When the King of Glory Comes
2 Sam 23:1–7
Ps 132:1–12 (UMH 849)
Jn 18:33–37 
Rev 1:4b –8
Jer 23:1–6
Lk 1:68–79 (UMH 208) 
Col 1:11–20
Lk 23:33–43
Supremely Reigns God's Majesty
Thanksgiving Day
Deut 8:7–18
Ps 65 (UMH 789)
2 Cor 9:6–15  
Lk 17:11–19 
Joel 2:21 –27
Ps 126 (UMH 847) 
1 Tim 2:1–7
Mt 6:25–33
Deut 26:1–11
Ps 100 (UMH 821)
Phil 4:4–9
Jn 6:25–35